Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, ( ISI ), Volume (19), No (127), Year (2012-10) , Pages (3199-3203)

Title : ( Influence of low Co substitution on magnetoelastic properties of HoFe11Ti intermetallic compound )

Authors: L. Motevalizadeh , Nasser Tajabor , D. Sanavi Khoshnoud , D. Fruchart , F. Pourarian ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The thermal expansion and magnetostriction of HoFe11xCoxTi (x¼0, 0.3, 0.7 and 1) intermetallic compounds were measured, using the strain gauge method in the temperature range 77–590 K under applied magnetic fields up to 1.5 T. Results show that for samples with x¼0 and 0.3, both linear thermal expansion and linear thermal expansion coefficient exhibit anomalies below the Curie temperature. Below room temperature, the spontaneous volume magnetostriction decreases with Co content. For all compounds studied, the anisotropic magnetostriction shows similar behaviour in the measured temperature range. The magnetostriction compensation occurs above room temperature in all samples. The volume magnetostriction shows a linear dependence on the applied field and by approaching the Curie temperature this trend changes to parastrictive behaviour. The results of the spontaneous magnetostriction are discussed based on the local magnetic moment model. The contribution of magnetostriction attributed to the magnetic sublattices R and T (Fe or Co) is discussed


HoFe11xCoxTi Thermal expansion Magnetostriction Magnetovolume effect
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {L. Motevalizadeh and Tajabor, Nasser and D. Sanavi Khoshnoud and D. Fruchart and F. Pourarian},
title = {Influence of low Co substitution on magnetoelastic properties of HoFe11Ti intermetallic compound},
journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials},
year = {2012},
volume = {19},
number = {127},
month = {October},
issn = {0304-8853},
pages = {3199--3203},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {HoFe11xCoxTi Thermal expansion Magnetostriction Magnetovolume effect},


%0 Journal Article
%T Influence of low Co substitution on magnetoelastic properties of HoFe11Ti intermetallic compound
%A L. Motevalizadeh
%A Tajabor, Nasser
%A D. Sanavi Khoshnoud
%A D. Fruchart
%A F. Pourarian
%J Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
%@ 0304-8853
%D 2012
