Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, Volume (12), No (1), Year (2013-5) , Pages (67-82)

Title : ( ‎Prediction ‎Intervals‎ for k-records in ‎T‎erms ‎of Current Records )

Authors: majid chahkandi , Jafar Ahmadi ,

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n this paper‎, ‎we discuss the prediction of $k$-records from the future sequence based on observed current records of either kind upper or lower‎, ‎record coverage and $k$-records from the same distribution‎. ‎It is shown that the coverage probability of all proposed prediction intervals are distribution-free‎. ‎Exact and explicit‎ ‎expressions for the prediction coefficient of these intervals are obtained‎. ‎The existence and optimality of these intervals are discussed‎. ‎At the end‎, ‎a numerical example is given for illustrating and comparing the proposed procedure.‎


, Coverage probability‎, ‎Current records‎, ‎$K$-records‎, ‎Prediction intervals
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author = {Chahkandi, Majid and Ahmadi, Jafar},
title = {‎Prediction ‎Intervals‎ for k-records in ‎T‎erms ‎of Current Records},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications},
year = {2013},
volume = {12},
number = {1},
month = {May},
issn = {1538-7887},
pages = {67--82},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {Coverage probability‎; ‎Current records‎; ‎$K$-records‎; ‎Prediction intervals},


%0 Journal Article
%T ‎Prediction ‎Intervals‎ for k-records in ‎T‎erms ‎of Current Records
%A Chahkandi, Majid
%A Ahmadi, Jafar
%J Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications
%@ 1538-7887
%D 2013
