Research on structures of operators via methods in geometry and probability theory , 2012-11-05

Title : ( More on operator monotone functions )

Authors: Hamed Najafi , Mohammad Sal Moslehian ,

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We investigate some properties of operator monotone functions. In particular, we show that if f is a non-constant operator monotone function on an interval J and A;B are self-adjoint operators with spectra in J such that A > B, then f(A) > f(B). As an application we extend the celebrated Lowner{Heinz inequality.


, operator monotone functions, self-adjoint operator, Lowner-Heinz inequality
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author = {Najafi, Hamed and Sal Moslehian, Mohammad},
title = {More on operator monotone functions},
booktitle = {Research on structures of operators via methods in geometry and probability theory},
year = {2012},
location = {کیوتو},
keywords = {operator monotone functions; self-adjoint operator; Lowner-Heinz inequality},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T More on operator monotone functions
%A Najafi, Hamed
%A Sal Moslehian, Mohammad
%J Research on structures of operators via methods in geometry and probability theory
%D 2012
