2012 Pre-Olympic Congress on Sports Science and Computer Science in Sport (IACSS2012 , 2012-07-24

Title : ( Evaluation of competencies sport Department managers in Khorasan Province Using 360 Degree feedback model in Iran )

Authors: Mahdi Talebpour , mohammad emadeshghi , mojtaba ettehadi niya , M. KHodai ,

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Abstract Introduction: Today sports Departments chal lenging demands on indi viduals, who are as customers. Managers are requiring competency in leading sports Departments. Competency is more than just knowledge and skills. Managers need a wide range of competency in order to face the complex challenges in sports Departments. Purpose: The purpose of this study was evaluation of competencies sport department managers in khorasan province using 360 degree feedback model. Method: The method of thi s study was descriptive survey and it was performed on a field study survey. The population of study includes all managers, staff, and ,,:licnts of sports departments of the province. 236 people \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'CIT selected randomly. Instrument that was used in this study was the va lid questionnaire of 360 degree feedback. Reliability was obtained through Cronbach\\\\\\\'s alpha test in a preliminary study 0/98. In order to analyze research data, descriptive stati st ics and inferenti al stat ist ics such as test of repeated measures were used . Results: The results indicated the sports departments\\\\\\\' managers performance based on eight manageri al competencies (communication skills, decision making, encouragement, innovation and change, business communications, leadership, professionalism, and using others and their own capabilities, team activities development). Results also showed a stat ist ically signilicant difference in different groups\\\\\\\' evaluation of managers\\\\\\\' performance (p::SO/OO I). Conclusions: Fina lly, it can be concluded that managers\\\\\\\' perception of their management competencies level is not correct and managers should be given continuous feedback for improving these skills for correcting this perceptual error and modifying it into a correct and more real perception .


, Keywords: managerial competencies, Sports managers, 360 Degree feedback model