Title : ( Relationship between the bases of power of the principals and job involvement of the High School teachers of Physical Education )
Authors: Mahdi Amel Khabazan , Mahdi Talebpour , Teimour Darzabi , Negar Seifzadeh , Majid Vahidian Rezazadeh , Mohammad Malekzadeh ,
ABSTRACT: Job involvement is one of the factors that may be changed by bases of power. Power and bases can increase or decrease the rate of job involvement. Thro power of the principals and the job involvement of the teachers of physical education in Mashhad (Iran) high schools have been studied as the major goal. samples contain 205 principals and 205 physical education teachers (totally 410 people) that selected from the way of stratified sampling. We used demographic characteristics questionnaire, bases of power of principals (self perception) questionnaire for principals and job involvement of physical education teacher’s questionnaire. In order to data analysis we performed descriptive statistics frequency tables) and inferential statistics (Spearman correlation co Spearman correlation co -efficient between different bases of power lawfully4, reward5, communication6 and teachers were respectively ob tained r1= 0.074, r2= -0.07, r3= -0.086, r4=0.187, r5= 0.004, r6= 0.044 and r7=0.006. of principals with job involvement of physical education teachers, there is no meaningful relation. It seems that the teacher of subject “Physical Education” has extreme interest in their job and they perform some works even out of the office hours, in a way that the meaningful extend. Keywords: Bases of Power, Job Involvement, teachers, principals INTRODUCTION At the beginning of human life, his personal was not able to solve all problems surrounding when faced with issues. Gradually passed pursuant to the service or get others to overcome their issues. Human social life, he encounters to concepts planning, management, leadership Contemporary ideas and strategies of both 'risk' and 'power' are significant and dynamic influences in social theory and social action, and they can therefore be expected to have a substantial impact on the ways in which social work is constituted, practiced and evaluated (Roger, 2010). management and leadership of any organization 147-150, 2012 Scholar). Mahdi Talebpour3 (PHD). Teimour Darzabi scholar). Majid Vahidian Rezazadeh5(PhD Scholar) 6 (PhD Scholar) University, Hyderabad, India. University, Mashhad, Iran. Mashhad, Iran. literature of Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Zahedan, Zahedan, Iran. Mahdi Amel Khabazan, Email: dr_khabazan@yahoo.com Through this research the relationship of the bases of This study carried a descriptive – correlation meth (average, standard deviation, variance and co-efficient) Using SPSS software. (expertise1, information legal7) of principals with job involvement of physical education Between bases of power s principals’ power bases couldn’t influence their job involvement to a power and issues he advice from uman desire for such as leadership, power. For or
, Bases of Power, Job Involvement, teachers, principals@article{paperid:1034075,
author = {Mahdi Amel Khabazan and Talebpour, Mahdi and Teimour Darzabi and Negar Seifzadeh and Majid Vahidian Rezazadeh and Mohammad Malekzadeh},
title = {Relationship between the bases of power of the principals and job involvement of the High School teachers of Physical Education},
journal = {International Journal of Sport Studies},
year = {2012},
volume = {2},
number = {3},
month = {January},
issn = {2251-7502},
pages = {147--150},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {Bases of Power; Job Involvement; teachers; principals},
%0 Journal Article
%T Relationship between the bases of power of the principals and job involvement of the High School teachers of Physical Education
%A Mahdi Amel Khabazan
%A Talebpour, Mahdi
%A Teimour Darzabi
%A Negar Seifzadeh
%A Majid Vahidian Rezazadeh
%A Mohammad Malekzadeh
%J International Journal of Sport Studies
%@ 2251-7502
%D 2012