Research in Sport Management, Volume (1), No (4), Year (2013-1) , Pages (138-143)

Title : ( A Study of Perception of Organizational Justice and its Relationship with the Demographical Characteristics in Staff Members of Physical Education Departments )

Authors: Farshad Emami , Mahdi Talebpour , Mohamad Keshtidar , Hamid Reza Maghsodi Eiman ,

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Background: Justice is a meaning combined with society and presents in most of the aspects of life. Organizational Justice maybe explains most of the variable consequent of organizational behavior in a potential way. Materials and Methods: According to the collected data from the bureau of statistic and evaluation of Iranian Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, 11 Departments of Physical Education are considered as the statistical society of present research that in the begging of this study the numbers of 401 persons were working at this departments. According to the size and access to the statistical population, the samples are selected randomly with the adequate allocation. In order to gather data two questionnaires which as: Demographical Characteristics and Organizational Justice were used. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation…) and inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation Chi-Square) were applied. Results: The results indicated that there was not significant correlation between Gender and Age with the Distributional Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice and Organizational Justice, but there was a meaningful significant correlation between Presence and Attendance Score and Organizational Justice Staff members of Department of Physical Education in Iran. Conclusion: The result indicate that between Demographic Information and Organizational Justice relationship was not confirmed, it means, there exists a negative significant relationship between performance of employees and perception of justice in which they are working.


, Organizational Justice, Distributional Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice and Demographical Characteristics
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Farshad Emami and Talebpour, Mahdi and Mohamad Keshtidar and Hamid Reza Maghsodi Eiman},
title = {A Study of Perception of Organizational Justice and its Relationship with the Demographical Characteristics in Staff Members of Physical Education Departments},
journal = {Research in Sport Management},
year = {2013},
volume = {1},
number = {4},
month = {January},
issn = {2322-262x},
pages = {138--143},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Organizational Justice; Distributional Justice; Procedural Justice; Interactional Justice and Demographical Characteristics},


%0 Journal Article
%T A Study of Perception of Organizational Justice and its Relationship with the Demographical Characteristics in Staff Members of Physical Education Departments
%A Farshad Emami
%A Talebpour, Mahdi
%A Mohamad Keshtidar
%A Hamid Reza Maghsodi Eiman
%J Research in Sport Management
%@ 2322-262x
%D 2013
