Journal of Chemical Engineering And Process Technology, Volume (4), No (3), Year (2013-3) , Pages (1-3)

Title : ( Effect of O2 Concentration on the Reaction Furnace Temperature and Sulfur Recovery Using a TSWEET® Process Simulator )

Authors: samer asadi , Mohammad Taghi Hamed Mosavian , Ali Ahmadpour ,

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In the present study, effect of a parameter for increasing the reaction furnace temperature and sulfur recovery of Claus sulfur recovery units (SRUs) is investigated by TSWEET process simulator based on Gibbs free minimization. The effect of oxygen enrichment on the reaction furnace temperature and sulfur recovery has been studied by proposed simulator. In the case of the effect of O2 concentration, temperature of main burner increased monotonically. It is found that sulfur recovery (in the O2 high concentrations) increases up to a maximum value and then decreases with increase of O2 concentration, while this is not the case for O2 low concentrations.


, Sulfur recovery, O2 concentration, Reaction Furnace, Claus unit.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Asadi, Samer and Hamed Mosavian, Mohammad Taghi and Ahmadpour, Ali},
title = {Effect of O2 Concentration on the Reaction Furnace Temperature and Sulfur Recovery Using a TSWEET® Process Simulator},
journal = {Journal of Chemical Engineering And Process Technology},
year = {2013},
volume = {4},
number = {3},
month = {March},
issn = {2157-7048},
pages = {1--3},
numpages = {2},
keywords = {Sulfur recovery; O2 concentration; Reaction Furnace; Claus unit.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of O2 Concentration on the Reaction Furnace Temperature and Sulfur Recovery Using a TSWEET® Process Simulator
%A Asadi, Samer
%A Hamed Mosavian, Mohammad Taghi
%A Ahmadpour, Ali
%J Journal of Chemical Engineering And Process Technology
%@ 2157-7048
%D 2013
