The European Physical Journal C, Volume (71), No (3), Year (2011-3) , Pages (1-7)

Title : ( A new approach to calculate the gluon polarization )

Authors: Seyyedeh Fatemeh Taghavi shahri , A. Mirjalili , M.M. Yazdanpanah ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


We derive the Leading-Order (LO) master equation to extract the polarized gluon distribution G(x,Q2) =xδg(x,Q2) from polarized proton structure function, gp1 (x,Q2). By using a Laplace-transform technique, we solve the master equation and derive the polarized gluon distribution inside the proton. The test of accuracy which is based in our calculations on two different methods, confirms that we achieve to the correct solution for the polarized gluon distribution. To determine the polarized gluon distribution xδg(x,Q2) more accurately, we only need to have more experimental data on the polarized structure functions, gp1 (x,Q2). Our result for polarized gluon distribution is in good agreement with some phenomenological models.


, gluon polarization, spin , DIS
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author = {Taghavi Shahri, Seyyedeh Fatemeh and A. Mirjalili and M.M. Yazdanpanah},
title = {A new approach to calculate the gluon polarization},
journal = {The European Physical Journal C},
year = {2011},
volume = {71},
number = {3},
month = {March},
issn = {1434-6052},
pages = {1--7},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {gluon polarization; spin ; DIS},


%0 Journal Article
%T A new approach to calculate the gluon polarization
%A Taghavi Shahri, Seyyedeh Fatemeh
%A A. Mirjalili
%A M.M. Yazdanpanah
%J The European Physical Journal C
%@ 1434-6052
%D 2011
