International Journal of Sport Studies, Volume (3), No (4), Year (2013-6) , Pages (431-435)

Title : ( Measurement of research productivity and its relationship with the organizational culture of faculty members of physical education departments of public Universities of Iran )

Authors: Masoud Aghaei , Mahdi Talebpour , Akbar Marefati , Mahdi Khanbabazadeh , Somaye Golzar ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The purpose of this study was Measurement of Research productivity and its relationship with the organizational culture of faculty members of physical education departments of public universities of Iran. The statistical population of the research included faculty members and school education groups of Sport Science and Physical countries. Determined order samples through Morgan estimated sample size 180 individuals completed randomly to three questionnaires about personal, organizational culture Marshall (OCAQ) and questionnaire research productivity advantage responded. Data in two analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency , Percent of the average, the standard deviation And inferential statistics was including Analysis of variance, correlation coefficients proportional.The survey of Indicators of organizational culture showed in coordination with change index (maximum possible score 30) 20/14 Average, the index to achieve target 19/38 mean, the average of index of coordination working group 19/92, customer oriented indicators mean 21/04 and the average index of power in organizational culture was 19/79. The results showed a significant relationship between organizational culture and knowledge with members of the faculty of physical education in the country(P=0.0015). Considering the existing score of culture, it seems is inappropriate for faculties and departments of physical education and should be changed such to encourage that group cooperation, achieve goals, customer orientation and strength of organizational culture and encourage alignment with changes to be line with the goals of the higher education and athletic society of country.


, Productivity, Organizational culture, Faculty members.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Aghaei, Masoud and Talebpour, Mahdi and Marefati, Akbar and Khanbabazadeh, Mahdi and Somaye Golzar},
title = {Measurement of research productivity and its relationship with the organizational culture of faculty members of physical education departments of public Universities of Iran},
journal = {International Journal of Sport Studies},
year = {2013},
volume = {3},
number = {4},
month = {June},
issn = {2251-7502},
pages = {431--435},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Productivity; Organizational culture; Faculty members.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Measurement of research productivity and its relationship with the organizational culture of faculty members of physical education departments of public Universities of Iran
%A Aghaei, Masoud
%A Talebpour, Mahdi
%A Marefati, Akbar
%A Khanbabazadeh, Mahdi
%A Somaye Golzar
%J International Journal of Sport Studies
%@ 2251-7502
%D 2013
