Title : ( Forced Vibration Analysis of a Dam-Reservoir Interaction Problem in Frequency Domain )
Authors: Amirhossein Keivani , Ahmad Shooshtari , Ahmad Aftabi Sani ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
In this paper, the forced vibration problem of an Euler-Bernoulli beam that is joined with a semi-infinite field of a compressible fluid is considered as a boundary value problem (BVP). This BVP includes two partial differential equations (PDE) and some boundary conditions (BC), which are introduced comprehensively. After that, the closed-form solution of this fluid-structure interaction problem is obtained in the frequency domain. Some mathematical techniques are utilized, and two unknown functions of the BVP, including the beam displacement at each section and the fluid dynamic pressure at all points, are attained. These functions are expressed as an infinite series and evaluated quantitatively for a real example in the results section. In addition, finite element analysis is carried out for comparison.