La neurophysiologie clinique en 4d ou l’ère de la multimodalité , 2012-06-13

Title : ( A Wireless Hybrid EEG-NIRS instrument for monitoring the electric and hemodynamic brain activity )

Authors: F Wallois , Javad Safaie , R Grebe , H Abrishami Moghaddam ,

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Introduction EEG is the established gold standard for registration of electrical activity of the human brain in research as well as in clinical routine. NIRS is an upcoming technique, which recently established itself as a non-invasive monitoring method for hemodynamic brain activity until now mainly used in research. NIRS offers numerous benefits, some of which make it a perfect candidate for a diagnostic tool to acquire information complementing the one from EEG. Advantageous of NIRS are simple and compact hardware which can be designed as a portable device, low cost, high temporal resolution, and ability to monitor both oxy and deoxy hemoglobin concentration. In multimodal registration, NIRS shows further benefits, as absents of any interference between NIRS and EEG in simultaneous experiments.


, Wireless, EEG, NIRS, Hemodynamic activity
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author = {F Wallois and Safaie, Javad and R Grebe and H Abrishami Moghaddam},
title = {A Wireless Hybrid EEG-NIRS instrument for monitoring the electric and hemodynamic brain activity},
booktitle = {La neurophysiologie clinique en 4d ou l’ère de la multimodalité},
year = {2012},
location = {Amiens, french},
keywords = {Wireless; EEG; NIRS; Hemodynamic activity},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A Wireless Hybrid EEG-NIRS instrument for monitoring the electric and hemodynamic brain activity
%A F Wallois
%A Safaie, Javad
%A R Grebe
%A H Abrishami Moghaddam
%J La neurophysiologie clinique en 4d ou l’ère de la multimodalité
%D 2012
