Entomofauna, ( ISI ), Volume (36), No (22), Year (2015-1) , Pages (273-284)
Title : ( First report of Lachesilla quercus KOLBE, 1880 (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Lachesillidae) from Iran )
Authors: ali gol , Fatemeh khandehroo , Hussein Sadeghi Namaghi , Gholamhossein Moravvej ,File:
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Three species of order Psocoptera were collected of Iran. They are Ectopsocus briggsi MCLACHLAN, 1899 found on Salix caprea KILMARNOCK (Saliaceae) and Carpinus betulus FASTIGIATA (Betulaceae); Graphopsocus cruciatus LINNAEUS, 1768 on Rosa canina L. (Rosaceae), and Lachesilla quercus KOLBE, 1880 on S. caprea KILMARNOCK (Saliaceae) and Fraxinus excelsior L. (Oleaceae). This is the first record of family Lachesillidae and genus Lachesilla from Iran