Journal of Cell and Molecular Research, Volume (6), No (2), Year (2014-10) , Pages (50-51)

Title : ( The pluripotency feature of cancer cells; product of a harmony or an output of a disharmony )

Authors: Hesam Dehghani ,

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Pluripotency is a central feature of stem and cancer cells. This feature enables cancer cells to self-renew and trans-differentiate. In this editorial, it is hypothesized that in cancer cells synchronized events rather than segmented procedures may lead to pluripotency.


, Pluripotency, Stem cells, Cancer cells
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author = {Dehghani, Hesam},
title = {The pluripotency feature of cancer cells; product of a harmony or an output of a disharmony},
journal = {Journal of Cell and Molecular Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {6},
number = {2},
month = {October},
issn = {2717-3364},
pages = {50--51},
numpages = {1},
keywords = {Pluripotency; Stem cells; Cancer cells},


%0 Journal Article
%T The pluripotency feature of cancer cells; product of a harmony or an output of a disharmony
%A Dehghani, Hesam
%J Journal of Cell and Molecular Research
%@ 2717-3364
%D 2014
