Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, Volume (2), No (3), Year (2015-4) , Pages (208-213)

Title : ( Estimation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient and Hourly Yield of a Single Slope Solar Still: A Numerical Approach )

Authors: Mojtaba Edalatpour , Ali Kianifar ,

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Single slope solar stills are known as popular and cheap desalination systems which have been utilized commonly all around the world to produce fresh water from salty and useless water. This paper studies natural convection heat transfer coefficient, hourly yield and fluid flow inside a single slope solar still. A finite element method is used to solve continuity, momentum, energy and concentration conservation equations. Moreover, the fluid flow within the still is considered to be incompressible, laminar, steady and ideal gas. Results are validated with several experimental investigations conducted by preceding researchers. The results also show an excellent agreement with previously published data. Furthermore, an optimum length of the still in which the productivity of the single slope solar still is maximized will be posed while the lengths of both lateral walls are constant.


, single slope solar still, CFD, Nusselt number, hourly yield, natural convection heat transfer
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author = {Edalatpour, Mojtaba and Kianifar, Ali},
title = {Estimation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient and Hourly Yield of a Single Slope Solar Still: A Numerical Approach},
journal = {Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering},
year = {2015},
volume = {2},
number = {3},
month = {April},
issn = {2393-9095},
pages = {208--213},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {single slope solar still; CFD; Nusselt number; hourly yield; natural convection heat transfer},


%0 Journal Article
%T Estimation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient and Hourly Yield of a Single Slope Solar Still: A Numerical Approach
%A Edalatpour, Mojtaba
%A Kianifar, Ali
%J Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering
%@ 2393-9095
%D 2015
