اولین همایش جانورشناسی کاربردی , 2015-01-28

Title : ( The Cryptobiosis mechanism in Tardigrada: A method for protecting of endangered species )

Authors: Hassan Maddahi , Omid Mirshamsi , Jamshid Darvish ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The Tardigrades or water bears are tiny arthropods found in a variety of environments all over the world. They are very resistant to adverse environmental conditions and implement several forms of cryptobiosis that could last upto a century. In the condition of water shortage or very low temperature, Tardigrade’s body loses a huge amount of its water, suspends its metabolism and synthesizes cell protectants such as trehalose sugar. As water becomes scarce, trehalose loses its water inside the water bear’s body. Instead of forming sharp-edged crystals that can damage DNA, membranes, and cells, the sugar transforms into a glassy state. This sugar surrounds the water bear’s molecules, preventing chemical reactions and denaturation and also protecting the Tardigrade's cells from damage until moisture conditions improve. Water is the only thing that Tardigrade needs to revive. Water dilutes the trehalose and gently releases the molecules from their suspended state. Nowadays this Tardigrade’s survival strategy has been imitated for preserving biological samples. Researcher created a molecule that performs the same function as trehalose to preserve biological samples at room-temperature. This technology is considered as an efficient viable way to preserve the eggs of rare or endangered species for later fertilization.


, Tardigrada, Cryptobiosis, Trehalose sugar, endangered species
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author = {Maddahi, Hassan and Mirshamsi, Omid and Darvish, Jamshid},
title = {The Cryptobiosis mechanism in Tardigrada: A method for protecting of endangered species},
booktitle = {اولین همایش جانورشناسی کاربردی},
year = {2015},
location = {مشهد, IRAN},
keywords = {Tardigrada; Cryptobiosis; Trehalose sugar; endangered species},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The Cryptobiosis mechanism in Tardigrada: A method for protecting of endangered species
%A Maddahi, Hassan
%A Mirshamsi, Omid
%A Darvish, Jamshid
%J اولین همایش جانورشناسی کاربردی
%D 2015
