Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic, Volume (6), No (2), Year (2015-10) , Pages (21-35)

Title : ( Cultural Orientations of Iranian English Translation Students: Do Gender and Translation Quality Matter )

Authors: fateme salemi , Masood Khoshsaligheh , Mohammad Reza Hashemi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The present exploratory study aimed to construct and apply a localized questionnaire instrument to investigate the cultural orientations of Iranian English translation students. The study also examined the relation between cultural orientations of Iranian English translation students and their age, gender, and translation performance. This mixed-methods study, in the first phase, uses focus group interviews to form a pool of cultural orientations to provide for the first draft of the questionnaire items. The initial draft of the questionnaire was subjected to the revision of the experts and potential participants to determine the face and content validity of the data to collect. Eventually, a 53-item questionnaire was finalized and the responses of a cluster sample of 473 Iranian English translation at undergraduate and graduate levels were obtained. In the second phase, the data collected using the revised questionnaire were analyzed through a number of inferential statistical procedures. National Identity, Cultural Heritage, Local Traditionalism, Collectivism, and Social Attachment were the revealed categories of the cultural orientations of the participants. The findings did not indicate to any significant relation between the Iranian English translation students’ cultural orientations and their gender, age, and translation performance.


Cultural orientations; Iranian English translation students; Age; Gender; Translation performance