Pramana - Journal of Physics, ( ISI ), Volume (85), No (6), Year (2016-1)

Title : ( Deriving relativistic Bohmian potential using variational method and conformal transformations )

Authors: Faramarz Rahmani , Mehdi Golshani , Mohsen Sarbishaei ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this paper we shall argue that conformal transformations give some new aspects to a metric and changes the physics that arises from the classical metric. It is equivalent to adding a new potential to relativistic Hamilton–Jacobi equation. We start by using conformal transformations on a metric and obtain modified geodesics. Then, we try to show that extra terms in the modified geodesics are indications of a background force. We obtain this potential by using variational method. Then, we see that this background potential is the same as the Bohmian non-local quantum potential. This approach gives a method stronger than Bohm’s original method in deriving Bohmian quantum potential. We do not use any quantum mechanical postulates in this approach.


, Bohmian quantum mechanics; quantum potential; non, locality; conformal transformations
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Rahmani, Faramarz and Mehdi Golshani and Sarbishaei, Mohsen},
title = {Deriving relativistic Bohmian potential using variational method and conformal transformations},
journal = {Pramana - Journal of Physics},
year = {2016},
volume = {85},
number = {6},
month = {January},
issn = {0304-4289},
keywords = {Bohmian quantum mechanics; quantum potential; non-locality; conformal transformations},


%0 Journal Article
%T Deriving relativistic Bohmian potential using variational method and conformal transformations
%A Rahmani, Faramarz
%A Mehdi Golshani
%A Sarbishaei, Mohsen
%J Pramana - Journal of Physics
%@ 0304-4289
%D 2016
