Iranian Journal of Toxicology, Volume (10), No (4), Year (2016-6) , Pages (9-12)

Title : ( Evaluation of some Enzymatic Changes in the Liver and Kidney of Rats Following Exposure to Sublethal Concentration of Potassium Cyanide )

Authors: Hasan Baghishani , vahide ghodsi ,

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Background: Besides acute lethal cyanide poisoning, its chronic intoxication may also produce some pathologic effects on different tissues that precedes alterations in biochemical parameters. The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of sublethal cyanide exposure on some tissue enzyme activities in liver and kidney of rats. Methods: Twelve male rats were divided into two groups as follows: Group 1 rats served as control. Rats in group 2 received water containing 200 ppm inorganic cyanide. At the end of the experiment (42 days), hepatic and renal activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and rhodanese were measured. Results: Potassium cyanide administration caused elevation of all measured liver enzymes in group 2, although the increase was only significant for AST and ALT activities as compared to control values (P<0.05). Moreover, renal AST activity in rats from group 2 was significantly higher than those from controls. Conclusion: The altered tissue activities of some enzymes in the present study might reflect the metabolic disturbances due to cyanide intoxication in studied organs. However, further research should be focused on this issue for better understanding of the fine mechanism of cyanide effects upon metabolic enzyme activities.


, Cyanide Poisoning, Rat, Tissue Enzyme
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author = {Baghishani, Hasan and Ghodsi, Vahide},
title = {Evaluation of some Enzymatic Changes in the Liver and Kidney of Rats Following Exposure to Sublethal Concentration of Potassium Cyanide},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Toxicology},
year = {2016},
volume = {10},
number = {4},
month = {June},
issn = {2008-2967},
pages = {9--12},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {Cyanide Poisoning; Rat; Tissue Enzyme},


%0 Journal Article
%T Evaluation of some Enzymatic Changes in the Liver and Kidney of Rats Following Exposure to Sublethal Concentration of Potassium Cyanide
%A Baghishani, Hasan
%A Ghodsi, Vahide
%J Iranian Journal of Toxicology
%@ 2008-2967
%D 2016
