Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Matematica Aplicada, Year (2017-1)

Title : ( Numerical solutions for solving a class of fractional optimal control problems via fixed-point approach )

Authors: Samaneh Soradi zeid , Ali Vahidian Kamyad , Sohrab Effati ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this paper, an optimization problem is performed to obtain an approximate solution for a class of fractional optimal control problems (FOCPs) with the initial and final conditions. The main characteristic of our approximation is to reduce the FOCP into a system of Volterra integral equations. Then by solving this new problem, based on minimization and control the total error, we transform the original FOCP into a discrete optimization problem. By obtaining the optimal solutions of this problem, we obtain the numerical solution of the original problem. This procedure not only simplifies the problem but also speeds up the computations. The numerical solutions obtained from the proposed approximation indicate that this approach is easy to implement and accurate when applied to FOCPs.


, Riemann–Liouville fractional derivativeFractional optimal control problemFractional differential equationVolterra, integral equation