10th International congress on sport sciences , 2017-04-26

Title : ( The effects of ascent to altitudes with three different intensity on Vo2max and body composition in Amateur male mountaineers )

Authors: مهدی مودتی , Mehrdad Fathei , بهمن جباری , محمود اکرمی ,

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Introduction: Early positioning in altitude increases hypoxia and Oxygen pressure reduction, hypoxia level inducing factor and vascular endothelial growth factor in skeletal and cardiac muscle and causes adaptation in athletes as function improvement and their better record in sea level. This study purpose is Comparing effects of ascent to three thousand meter altitude with three different intensity on Vo2max and body composition in amateur male and female mountaineers. Methodology: This semi-experimented research was done on 60 amateur male mountaineers with 25 to 26 years old mean, 57 to 72 KG weight, 22 to 25 KG/m2 BMI and 40 to 45 mL/Kg/min Vo2max. Subjects ascended to 3 thousand altitude Salvak mountaintop with three different intensity of maximum heart rate(60-70-80), 12.45±5.86% gradient, 9.74±4.54°C and 36.91±5.10% humidity and 761±39.04 mmHg barometric pressure in three female experimental groups (n=3*10) and three male experimental groups (n=3*10). Bloodletting and statistical data was measured in three stages, before ascending, immediately after ascending to altitude, 2 hours after residence in three thousand altitudes. One way ANOVA was used along repeated measurements with significance level (0/05) for data analysis. Results: Study the results showed changes in mountaineer's body composition but Vo2 max was observed insignificant in three male groups. Discussion: According to recent project results, it seems that acceding to three thousand altitudes with definite intensity caused Vo2maxincreasing in addition to energy economic consumption and at last athletes function improvement.


, Altitude, hypoxia, Body composition, VO2max, Amateur Climber
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {مهدی مودتی and Fathei, Mehrdad and بهمن جباری and محمود اکرمی},
title = {The effects of ascent to altitudes with three different intensity on Vo2max and body composition in Amateur male mountaineers},
booktitle = {10th International congress on sport sciences},
year = {2017},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Altitude; hypoxia; Body composition; VO2max; Amateur Climber},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The effects of ascent to altitudes with three different intensity on Vo2max and body composition in Amateur male mountaineers
%A مهدی مودتی
%A Fathei, Mehrdad
%A بهمن جباری
%A محمود اکرمی
%J 10th International congress on sport sciences
%D 2017
