Title : ( Weak coarse shape equivalences and infinite dimensional Whitehead theorem in coarse shape theory )
Authors: fateme ghanei , Bibi Hanieh Mirebrahimi Paziquee , T. Nasri ,Abstract
In this paper, we study the weak coarse shape equivalences. First, we define paradominations and then we give a characterization of them, for uniformly movable pointed continuum spaces. Also, we show that a weak coarse shape equivalence to a pointed movable space is a paradomination. Finally, we prove that a weak coarse shape equivalence F∗:(X, x) →(Y, y) between pointed continuum spaces is a coarse shape equivalence, if (X, x)and (Y, y)are simultaneously movable according to F∗
, Weak coarse shape equivalence, Coarse shape equivalence, Paradomination@article{paperid:1063679,
author = {Ghanei, Fateme and Mirebrahimi Paziquee, Bibi Hanieh and T. Nasri},
title = {Weak coarse shape equivalences and infinite dimensional Whitehead theorem in coarse shape theory},
journal = {Topology and its Applications},
year = {2017},
volume = {229},
number = {1},
month = {September},
issn = {0166-8641},
pages = {27--41},
numpages = {14},
keywords = {Weak coarse shape equivalence; Coarse shape equivalence; Paradomination},
%0 Journal Article
%T Weak coarse shape equivalences and infinite dimensional Whitehead theorem in coarse shape theory
%A Ghanei, Fateme
%A Mirebrahimi Paziquee, Bibi Hanieh
%A T. Nasri
%J Topology and its Applications
%@ 0166-8641
%D 2017