Second National and First International Conference on Soft Computing , 2017-11-22

Title : ( Effect of Image Rectifying and Imaging Parameters on Disparity Map of Tree Pictures )

Authors: Ayoub Jafari Malekabadi , Mehdi Khojastehpour , Bagher Emadi ,

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One method of creating 3D model of tree is stereo vision technique.Tree canopy geometric characteristics are directly related to tree growth and productivity. So a disparity map and a 3D model of the tree can be useful. Many parameters affect disparity map, such as the lighting that affects camera and imaging parameters, the calibration that needed to rectify the image, etc. In this study, effects of ISO speed, exposure time, metering mode (imaging and camera parameters) and image rectifying on disparity map of tree pictures was evaluated. It was observed that image rectifying, ISO speed, exposure time and metering mode were affected on disparity map. If pictures weren’t rectified, disparity map was calculated but it had error in values. Camera parameters were affected on light intensity of pictures. Best disparity map was obtained in conditions that ISO speed and exposure time had fewer value and metering mode was set to pattern mode.


, Disparity Map, Tree, Rectify, ISO speed, Exposure Time.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Jafari Malekabadi, Ayoub and Khojastehpour, Mehdi and Emadi, Bagher},
title = {Effect of Image Rectifying and Imaging Parameters on Disparity Map of Tree Pictures},
booktitle = {Second National and First International Conference on Soft Computing},
year = {2017},
location = {گیلان, IRAN},
keywords = {Disparity Map; Tree; Rectify; ISO speed; Exposure Time.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Effect of Image Rectifying and Imaging Parameters on Disparity Map of Tree Pictures
%A Jafari Malekabadi, Ayoub
%A Khojastehpour, Mehdi
%A Emadi, Bagher
%J Second National and First International Conference on Soft Computing
%D 2017
