4th Seminar on Reliability Theory and its Applications , 2018-04-25

Title : ( Properties of the components of a system given the ith failure )

Authors: Jafar Ahmadi ,

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Suppose there is a system with n components that the ith component has failed at the time t. In this talk, we are interested in studying the properties of the components lifetimes when system fails. Some distributional results are obtained which can be used in inspection problem for components with a stochastic life time. The monotonicity properties of the expected life length of a specific component with respect to n, i and t are studied. It is shown that some stochastic ordering are preserved.


, k-out-of-n system, Cost of replacement, Stochastic orders.
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author = {Ahmadi, Jafar},
title = {Properties of the components of a system given the ith failure},
booktitle = {4th Seminar on Reliability Theory and its Applications},
year = {2018},
location = {Shiraz, IRAN},
keywords = {k-out-of-n system; Cost of replacement; Stochastic orders.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Properties of the components of a system given the ith failure
%A Ahmadi, Jafar
%J 4th Seminar on Reliability Theory and its Applications
%D 2018
