چهاردهمین کنفرانس آمار ایران , 2018-08-25

Title : ( Exponentiality test based on statistical evidence with Type II censored data )

Authors: Arezou Habibirad , vahideh ahrari ,

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Goodness of fit procedures have been developed in the literature when the available samples are censored. In this paper, some criteria based on statistical evidence in the goodness of fit test are proposed to test exponentiality with Type II censored data. Finally, we use the Monte Carlo simulations in order to compute the average of statistical evidence of the proposed criteria for several alternatives under different sample sizes and with Type II censored data. The use of these methods are shown in an illustrative example.


Goodness of fit test; Statistical evidence; Censored data
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author = {Habibirad, Arezou and Ahrari, Vahideh},
title = {Exponentiality test based on statistical evidence with Type II censored data},
booktitle = {چهاردهمین کنفرانس آمار ایران},
year = {2018},
location = {شاهرود, IRAN},
keywords = {Goodness of fit test; Statistical evidence; Censored data},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Exponentiality test based on statistical evidence with Type II censored data
%A Habibirad, Arezou
%A Ahrari, Vahideh
%J چهاردهمین کنفرانس آمار ایران
%D 2018
