بیست و ششمین کنفرانس مهندسی برق ایران , 2018-05-08

Title : ( State Space Predictive Control System Design to Improve Power Quality Issues in Distributed Power System using DVR )

Authors: hamed heydari doostabad , Reza Ghazi ,

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Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


—This paper proposed a control system based on predictive controller for voltage source converter is related to the DVR. Proposed control system is based on three phase distributed power system including nonlinear load and DVR. DVR is used to enhance power quality issues problems which can be disrupted performance of devices. The proposed control system predicts injected voltage of DVR for all switching state and for these voltage evaluated cost function. Then the best Switching vector will be applied to VSC. This method determines the reference voltage based on the P-Q theory, and examine the functionality of the proposed system by using system simulation model in Matlab.


, Keywords, Dynamic Voltage Restorer; Predictive Control System; Instantaneous power theory; Power Quality; State Space.