Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on , 2018-05-08

Title : ( GPU Parallelization of Physical Optics on Parametric Surfaces-A MATLAB-Based Implementation )

Authors: Reza Vahdani , seyed moein pishnamaz , Vahid Mohtashami ,

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This paper presents a MATLAB-based approach for GPU parallelization of the Physical Optics method on parametric surfaces. Physical optics, which is widely used for computing the scattered field from electrically large objects, involves an intensive computational burden. However, illumination test and scattered field calculations can be performed independently. Thus, the calculations can be implemented on Graphical Processing Unit which makes it possible to solve the problem in parallel. Emphasis is placed on efficient MATLAB implementation over parametric surfaces. To show the computational efficiency improvement, the Radar Cross Section of a cylindrical object with conic nose as well as the radiation pattern of a reflector antenna are calculated. The numerical results show speedup up to 200 times in comparison with usual implementation on CPU.


Physical Optics; parallel programming; Graphics Processing Unit; parametric surface
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author = {Vahdani, Reza and Pishnamaz, Seyed Moein and Mohtashami, Vahid},
title = {GPU Parallelization of Physical Optics on Parametric Surfaces-A MATLAB-Based Implementation},
booktitle = {Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on},
year = {2018},
location = {مشهد, IRAN},
keywords = {Physical Optics; parallel programming; Graphics Processing Unit; parametric surface},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T GPU Parallelization of Physical Optics on Parametric Surfaces-A MATLAB-Based Implementation
%A Vahdani, Reza
%A Pishnamaz, Seyed Moein
%A Mohtashami, Vahid
%J Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on
%D 2018
