Religious Inquiries, Volume (6), No (11), Year (2017-6) , Pages (83-94)

Title : ( The Necessity of Inter-Religious Dialogue and Its Philosophical and Dogmatic Obstacles )

Authors: Jafar Morvarid ,

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In this paper, the need for interfaith dialogue in the contemporary world has been emphasized in the light of the rise of ISIS and other takfiri movements. This necessity has been understood both by political and religious authorities in the Shiite world and by Christian religious authorities. It will be shown that the central message of all Abrahamic religions is theism; that is, the worship of God and justice as opposed to egotism or self-worship. Then, it will be explained how, in the context of interreligious dialogue, relativism as opposed to realism is a main philosophical barrier, and exclusivism as opposed to inclusivism tends to be a major dogmatic barrier.


interfaith dialogue; theism; relativism; Exclusivism
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author = {Morvarid, Jafar},
title = {The Necessity of Inter-Religious Dialogue and Its Philosophical and Dogmatic Obstacles},
journal = {Religious Inquiries},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {11},
month = {June},
issn = {2322-4894},
pages = {83--94},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {interfaith dialogue; theism; relativism; Exclusivism},


%0 Journal Article
%T The Necessity of Inter-Religious Dialogue and Its Philosophical and Dogmatic Obstacles
%A Morvarid, Jafar
%J Religious Inquiries
%@ 2322-4894
%D 2017
