Title : ( Genetic variability in beta-lactoglobulin, calpastain and calpain loci in Kurdi sheep )
Authors: Mohammadreza Nassiri , Feradoun EFTEKHARI SHAHROUDI , Ali Javadmanesh ,Abstract
DNA-based molecular methods have made possible genotyping of animals of any age and sex for milk and meat genes, thus providing a potentially more efficient and flexible selection tool. Among specific genes that may affect economically important traits in sheep, the Beta-lactoglobulin -BLG- locus has been extensively studied [Barillet et al., 2005]. The genotype BB of BLG seems to be associated with higher milk yield; on the other hand genotypes AA and AB seem to be superior in protein and casein content and crude yield [Garzon et al., 1992]. Another genes intensively investigated in farm animal are that of calpastatin -CAST- and calpain -CAPN-. Calpastatin and calpain -CAPN- deserves special attention because of their major role in meat production. The calpain-calpastatin system -CCS- comprises a family of calcium dependent neutral proteases. The CAPNs have been shown to play the major role in post mortem tenderization in beef, lamb, and pork by degrading specific muscle structural proteins. The aim of the present study was to identify genotypes of BLG, CAST and CAPN genes in Kurdi sheep breed by PCR.