پنجمین سمینار تخصصی نظریه قابلیت اعتماد و کاربردهای آن‌ , 2019-04-17

Title : ( Goodness of Fit Tests for Rayleigh Distribution Based on Progressively Type-II Right Censored via a New Divergence )

Authors: Arezou Habibirad , vahideh ahrari ,

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In this paper, we define first a new measure of distance between two distributions based on their cumulative distribution function that is similar to Tsallis divergence. Then based on a progressively type II right censored sample, we construct goodness of fit tests for testing Rayleighity. Monte Carlo simulations for the power of the proposed tests are carried out under different alternatives.


, Goodness of fit test, Rayleigh distribution, Progressively type II right censored sample.
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author = {Habibirad, Arezou and Ahrari, Vahideh},
title = {Goodness of Fit Tests for Rayleigh Distribution Based on Progressively Type-II Right Censored via a New Divergence},
booktitle = {پنجمین سمینار تخصصی نظریه قابلیت اعتماد و کاربردهای آن‌},
year = {2019},
location = {یزد, IRAN},
keywords = {Goodness of fit test; Rayleigh distribution; Progressively type II right censored sample.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Goodness of Fit Tests for Rayleigh Distribution Based on Progressively Type-II Right Censored via a New Divergence
%A Habibirad, Arezou
%A Ahrari, Vahideh
%J پنجمین سمینار تخصصی نظریه قابلیت اعتماد و کاربردهای آن‌
%D 2019
