International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, Volume (24), No (2), Year (2019-2) , Pages (178-190)

Title : ( An investigation into the relationship between the electrical conductivity and particle size of polyaniline in nano scale )

Authors: Hadiseh Nazari , Reza Arefinia ,

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Polyaniline nanoparticle -nPANI- was successfully synthesized through ultrasonic-assisted reverse microemulsion polymerization method. The effect of four parameters including concentration of aniline -ANI- as monomer, molar ratio of dodecybenzene sulfonic acid -DBSA- as surfactant to ANI, molar ratio of ammonium peroxydisulfate -APS- as oxidant to ANI and polymerization temperaturewere systematically studied in terms of the structural characterizations of nPANI by applying the Taguchi method of experimental design. Data analysis indicated that there is a dependency between conductivity and particle size in the nanoscale; the maximum conductivity of nPANI was obtained when the diameter of the particles was 30 nm.


, Conductivity, nano polyaniline, particle size, Taguchi method
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author = {Nazari, Hadiseh and Arefinia, Reza},
title = {An investigation into the relationship between the electrical conductivity and particle size of polyaniline in nano scale},
journal = {International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization},
year = {2019},
volume = {24},
number = {2},
month = {February},
issn = {1023-666X},
pages = {178--190},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {Conductivity; nano polyaniline; particle size; Taguchi method},


%0 Journal Article
%T An investigation into the relationship between the electrical conductivity and particle size of polyaniline in nano scale
%A Nazari, Hadiseh
%A Arefinia, Reza
%J International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization
%@ 1023-666X
%D 2019
