Title : ( Extended two dimensional transformation optics for reflection suppression )
Authors: Hossein Eskandari , Amir Reza Attari , Mohammad Saeed Majedi ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Here, we demonstrate that by extending the common twodimensional (2D) transformation optics (TO) to the third dimension in an engineered fashion, it is possible to eliminate unwanted reflections from the device boundaries in cases where the compression or expansion of the space makes the ideal transmission of the power impossible in the common formulation. The feasibility of the proposed idea is demonstrated by an example simulated in COMSOL.
author = {Eskandari, Hossein and Attari, Amir Reza and Majedi, Mohammad Saeed},
title = {Extended two dimensional transformation optics for reflection suppression},
booktitle = {META 2019},
year = {2019},
location = {لیسبون, IRAN},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Extended two dimensional transformation optics for reflection suppression
%A Eskandari, Hossein
%A Attari, Amir Reza
%A Majedi, Mohammad Saeed
%J META 2019
%D 2019