Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume (17), No (1), Year (2020-3) , Pages (109-123)

Title : ( Effect of Microstructure on Stress Dependence of Transformation Induced Plasticity in TRIP800 Low-Alloy Multiphase Steels )

Authors: Fereshteh Hosseinabadi , Abolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz , Mohammad Mazinani , B. Mohammad Sadeghi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


An experimental–numerical methodology was used in order to study the microstructural effects on stress state dependency of martensitic transformation kinetics in two different TRIP800 low alloy multiphase steels. Representative volume elements extracted from actual microstructure have been utilized for simulating the mechanical behavior of mentioned steels. The mechanical behavior for each constituent phases required in the model has been taken out from those reported in the literature. A stress invariant based transformation kinetics law has been used to predict the martensitic phase transformation during deformation. Crystallographic and thermodynamic theories of martensitic phase transformation have been utilized for estimating the constant parameters of the kinetics law, in a recently performed investigation, but the sensitivity of the transformation to the stress state remained as an adjusting parameter. The results of the current work show that the stress state sensitivity of martensitic phase transformation in the investigated steels is microstructure-dependent and the value of this parameter is almost equal to half of the bainite volume fraction. Therefore, the volume fraction of bainite in the low-alloy multiphase TRIP800 steels can be used as a first postulation for the value of the martensitic phase transformation sensitivity to the stress state and the microstructure Downloaded from at 20:24 IRST on Monday December 30th 2019 based model previously developed for calculating the mechanical behavior of the TRIP800 steels can be utilized as a virtual design tool for development of TRIP steels having specific mechanical properties.


Mechanical properties; TRIP800 steels; Martensitic phase transformation; stress state sensitivity; Finite element model
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Hosseinabadi, Fereshteh and Rezaee Bazzaz, Abolfazl and Mazinani, Mohammad and باقر محمد صادقی},
title = {Effect of Microstructure on Stress Dependence of Transformation Induced Plasticity in TRIP800 Low-Alloy Multiphase Steels},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering},
year = {2020},
volume = {17},
number = {1},
month = {March},
issn = {1735-0808},
pages = {109--123},
numpages = {14},
keywords = {Mechanical properties; TRIP800 steels; Martensitic phase transformation; stress state sensitivity; Finite element model},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of Microstructure on Stress Dependence of Transformation Induced Plasticity in TRIP800 Low-Alloy Multiphase Steels
%A Hosseinabadi, Fereshteh
%A Rezaee Bazzaz, Abolfazl
%A Mazinani, Mohammad
%A باقر محمد صادقی
%J Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
%@ 1735-0808
%D 2020
