Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (856), No (1), Year (2020-1) , Pages (113652-113659)

Title : ( Mathematical modeling of the electrochemical behavior of a polyaniline film for the fast electron transfer kinetic )

Authors: fateme ziaei moghadam , Reza Arefinia ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The electrochemical behavior of a polyaniline (PANI) film as a conductive polymer has been studied using a new proposed mathematical model (PMM). A one-dimensional transient model, considering the doping-dedoping and redox processes for a thin PANI film,was developed based on the cyclic voltammetry method. It was assumed that two reactions occur at the interface of film/electrolyte during the potential sweep: an electrochemical reaction and an adsorption-desorption reaction. The diffusion process of dopant ions was governed by Fick\'s second law equation. The modeling results were evaluated using the experimental data reported in the literature. The effect of different parameters including bulk concentration of dopants (CA⁎), potential scan rate (v), adsorption rate constant (kad) and desorption rate constant (kde), on the electrochemical behavior of a PANI film were parametrically studied using the PMM. The increase of kad and CA⁎ causes the shift of redox couple to the lower potentials while the increment of kde moves the redox couple to the higher potentials. The increase of parameter v was provides the enhancement of both peak couple currents and the higher peak potential separation.


, Polyaniline film, Mathematical modeling, Cyclic voltammetry, Diffusion, Redox process
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author = {Ziaei Moghadam, Fateme and Arefinia, Reza},
title = {Mathematical modeling of the electrochemical behavior of a polyaniline film for the fast electron transfer kinetic},
journal = {Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry},
year = {2020},
volume = {856},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {1572-6657},
pages = {113652--113659},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Polyaniline film; Mathematical modeling; Cyclic voltammetry; Diffusion; Redox process},


%0 Journal Article
%T Mathematical modeling of the electrochemical behavior of a polyaniline film for the fast electron transfer kinetic
%A Ziaei Moghadam, Fateme
%A Arefinia, Reza
%J Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
%@ 1572-6657
%D 2020
