Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume (31), No (21), Year (2020-9) , Pages (18988-18995)

Title : ( Comparison of characteristics of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric materials synthesized by hydrothermal process )

Authors: Yasaman Saberi Kakhki , Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi , Hamta Mansouri ,

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In this research, a simple approach based on hydrothermal method was developed for the synthesis of high purity Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 polyhedral nanoflakes and Bi2Te3 spherical nanoparticles. The synthesized Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 nanopowders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), field emission electron microscopy (FESEM), photoluminescence (PL) and ultraviolet-visible (UV) near-infrared spectroscopy. The results showed that the produced powders (Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3) exhibit no chemical impurity formed during hydrothermal synthesis process. Besides, the ternary Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 alloy showed less oxide bond versus the Bi2Te3 alloy. The results showed that Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 powders possess a uniform nano-flake shape with an average size of 48 nm along with band gap energy of 0.6 eV. Moreover, Bi2Te3 powders were characterized with a uniform spherical shape and an average size of 43 nm along with band gap energy of 0.9 eV. The Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 nanoplates powders exhibited a favorable band gap and lower photoluminescence intensity due to the larger particle size compared with the spherical Bi2Te3 nanopowders. In conclusion, the obvious specifications of Bi2Te3 based materials were improved by the incorporation of selenium using a hydrothermal procedure. It is strongly believed that this synthesis approach and characterization methods will be important for the development of thermoelectric performance and applications of these groups of materials, such as sensors, laser diode, cooling system, fiber-optic systems.


Bismuth telluride; band gap energy; photoluminescence; nanoparticle; thermoelectric properties.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Saberi Kakhki, Yasaman and Sajjadi, Seyed Abdolkarim and Mansouri, Hamta},
title = {Comparison of characteristics of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric materials synthesized by hydrothermal process},
journal = {Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics},
year = {2020},
volume = {31},
number = {21},
month = {September},
issn = {0957-4522},
pages = {18988--18995},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Bismuth telluride; band gap energy; photoluminescence; nanoparticle; thermoelectric properties.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Comparison of characteristics of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric materials synthesized by hydrothermal process
%A Saberi Kakhki, Yasaman
%A Sajjadi, Seyed Abdolkarim
%A Mansouri, Hamta
%J Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
%@ 0957-4522
%D 2020
