Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Volume (4), No (1), Year (2020-10) , Pages (42-50)

Title : ( A Case Study of Risk Management of Automotive Industry Projects Using RFMEA Method )

Authors: Leili Mirboroon , Hamideh Razavi ,

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Considering the market need and customer attraction, automakers are always trying to define new projects and present products with new capabilities in the market. That is why a significant part of car companies’ development research is focused on the definition of new projects. Principally, project risk management in car companies is essential and thus given special attention. There are different theories and methods of project risk control. However, since there is complete awareness of FMEA-related issues (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) in automotive companies due to the establishment of the quality management system, the project\\\'s risk analysis using FMEA method to control the risk of automotive industry projects is presented in this paper by a real example. For this purpose, FMEA indicators tables are designed and presented proportionally to project risk management. Results of this research show that using failure mode and effects analysis for project risk management ensures the detection ofproject\\\'s weaknesses and provides a practical model for identification and reduction of project risks


, Project Risk, Risk Detection, Automotive Industry, Risk Management, FMEA
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Leili Mirboroon and Razavi, Hamideh},
title = {A Case Study of Risk Management of Automotive Industry Projects Using RFMEA Method},
journal = {Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering},
year = {2020},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
month = {October},
issn = {2517-4258},
pages = {42--50},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Project Risk; Risk Detection; Automotive Industry; Risk Management; FMEA},


%0 Journal Article
%T A Case Study of Risk Management of Automotive Industry Projects Using RFMEA Method
%A Leili Mirboroon
%A Razavi, Hamideh
%J Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
%@ 2517-4258
%D 2020
