The 7th Seminar on Reliability Theory and its Applications , 2021-05-19

Title : ( Mean residual life of degrading complex systems with intact component at time t )

Authors: zahra saberzadeh , Mostafa Razmkhah ,

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author = {Saberzadeh, Zahra and Razmkhah, Mostafa},
title = {Mean residual life of degrading complex systems with intact component at time t},
booktitle = {The 7th Seminar on Reliability Theory and its Applications},
year = {2021},
location = {بیرجند, IRAN},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Mean residual life of degrading complex systems with intact component at time t
%A Saberzadeh, Zahra
%A Razmkhah, Mostafa
%J The 7th Seminar on Reliability Theory and its Applications
%D 2021
