11th National Conference of Sport Psychology with International Participation , 2010-11-05

Title : ( comoaring academic stress and subjective well-being among female student: the role of intramural )

Authors: Behzad Behzadnia , F Imanpour , Mohammad Keshtidar ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote



برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {بهزاد بهزادنیا and ف ایمانپور and Keshtidar, Mohammad},
title = {comoaring academic stress and subjective well-being among female student: the role of intramural},
booktitle = {11th National Conference of Sport Psychology with International Participation},
year = {2010},
location = {تریکالا},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T comoaring academic stress and subjective well-being among female student: the role of intramural
%A بهزاد بهزادنیا
%A ف ایمانپور
%A Keshtidar, Mohammad
%J 11th National Conference of Sport Psychology with International Participation
%D 2010
