International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Year (2022-4)

Title : ( From a Radical-Religious Movement to a Democratic Social Sub-Movement )

Authors: Arash Beidollahkhani ,

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The Sunnis in Iran are among the Muslim minorities with a specific internal, political, and social structure and relations. They play a significant role in Iran’s foreign and domestic policy. Many researchers have considered a link between the name of Iran and Shiism as well as the relations established by Shia groups in the Middle East. The paper aimed to examines and identify the internal relations and structure of Sunnis based on the characteristics of reform movements by focusing on Sunnis as a reformist social movement. This study identifying the internal structure and international interactions of the Sunnis in Iran based on two different political perspectives governing this minority. In addition, this paper considered the political orientation of the Sunni minority in Iran as an inclusive social movement and a social sub movement. As the Sunnis in Iran may represent an inclusive socio-religious movement with some radical tendencies, they can also be considered and analysed as a social sub-movement.


, Iran, Sunni, Shia, movement, social
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Beidollahkhani, Arash},
title = {From a Radical-Religious Movement to a Democratic Social Sub-Movement},
journal = {International Journal on Minority and Group Rights},
year = {2022},
month = {April},
issn = {1385-4879},
keywords = {Iran; Sunni; Shia; movement; social},


%0 Journal Article
%T From a Radical-Religious Movement to a Democratic Social Sub-Movement
%A Beidollahkhani, Arash
%J International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
%@ 1385-4879
%D 2022
