5th International and 7th national IASBS Symposium in Biological Sciences:Frontiers in Enzymology , 2022-05-19

Title : ( A review on the horizons using enzyme supplements in the aquafeed production industry )

Authors: Omid Safari , Marina Paolucci , fatemeh davoudi sefidkohi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Today, one of the ways to increase the health of human societies is achieved by recommending the consumption of high quality white protein originated from aquatic species (Dabrowski & Guderley, 2002; Mozanzadeh et al., 2017; O Safari, 2011; Omid Safari et al., 2014; Yaghoubi et al., 2019). In order to increase the quality of aquatic carcass, a special attention should be paid to their diet formulation. Rising the prices of feed ingredients with animal origin, such as fishmeal and fish oil, place many constraints on achieving this goal. The use of plant protein sources is considered as an alternative source. However, the presence of high soluble and insoluble fiber content, low nutrient bioavailability of these types of resources has been challenged. Therefore, by using carbohydrase such as (cellulase, hemicellulase, pectinase, xylanase and amylase), the efficiency of using these sources can be increased by modifying the chemical structure of such sources. In this regard, to reduce the price of some produced carbohydrases, solid state fermentation technology can be used. In general, it can be acknowledged that in order to increase food security, the use of various enzymes, especially phytase and carbohydrases in the diet of aquatic species will be regarded essentially in near future.


, Food security, Human consumption, Aquaculture, Feed additive, Digestibility, Technology
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author = {Safari, Omid and Marina Paolucci and Davoudi Sefidkohi, Fatemeh},
title = {A review on the horizons using enzyme supplements in the aquafeed production industry},
booktitle = {5th International and 7th national IASBS Symposium in Biological Sciences:Frontiers in Enzymology},
year = {2022},
location = {Zanjan, IRAN},
keywords = {Food security; Human consumption; Aquaculture; Feed additive; Digestibility; Technology},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A review on the horizons using enzyme supplements in the aquafeed production industry
%A Safari, Omid
%A Marina Paolucci
%A Davoudi Sefidkohi, Fatemeh
%J 5th International and 7th national IASBS Symposium in Biological Sciences:Frontiers in Enzymology
%D 2022
