AIB Insights , 2022-04-22

Title : ( It Is All in Their Positioning: Academic Women’s Silence in Iran )

Authors: Leila Lotfi Dehkharghani , Jane Menzies , Harsh Suri , Yaghoob Maharati ,

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From a gender perspective, Iran is an unequal country, ranking 150 out of 156 in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Survey. We examine women’s silence in an academic setting in Iran using positioning theory to understand discursive practices that contribute to women’s silence. We argue that women’s silence in Iran is regularly reinforced with storylines that impact upon, and constrain, women’s sense of self on an interpersonal and individual level. These storylines emanate from the macro, meso and organizational environments. We provide recommendations to local and international organizations operating in Iran that are conducive for creating new storylines to reduce women’s silence.


برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Lotfi Dehkharghani, Leila and Jane Menzies and Harsh Suri and Maharati, Yaghoob},
title = {It Is All in Their Positioning: Academic Women’s Silence in Iran},
booktitle = {AIB Insights},
year = {2022},
location = {USA},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T It Is All in Their Positioning: Academic Women’s Silence in Iran
%A Lotfi Dehkharghani, Leila
%A Jane Menzies
%A Harsh Suri
%A Maharati, Yaghoob
%J AIB Insights
%D 2022
