Sensors, Volume (22), No (4), Year (2022-2) , Pages (1400-1421)

Title : ( Damage Detection in Largely Unobserved Structures under Varying Environmental Conditions: An AutoRegressive Spectrum and Multi-Level Machine Learning Methodology )

Authors: Alireza Entezami , Stefano Mariani , Hashem Shariatmadar ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Vibration-based damage detection in civil structures using data-driven methods requires sufficient vibration responses acquired with a sensor network. Due to technical and economic reasons, it is not always possible to deploy a large number of sensors. This limitation may lead to partial information being handled for damage detection purposes, under environmental variability. To address this challenge, this article proposes an innovative multi-level machine learning method by employing the autoregressive spectrum as the main damage-sensitive feature. The proposed method consists of three levels: (i) distance calculation by the log-spectral distance, to increase damage detectability and generate distance-based training and test samples; (ii) feature normalization by an improved factor analysis, to remove environmental variations; and (iii) decision-making for damage localization by means of the Jensen–Shannon divergence. The major contributions of this research are represented by the development of the aforementioned multi-level machine learning method, and by the proposal of the new factor analysis for feature normalization. Limited vibration datasets relevant to a truss structure and consisting of acceleration time histories induced by shaker excitation in a passive system, have been used to validate the proposed method and to compare it with alternate, state-of-the-art strategies


structural health monitoring; limited sensors; environmental variability; spectral estimation; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; factor analysis
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Entezami, Alireza and Stefano Mariani and Shariatmadar, Hashem},
title = {Damage Detection in Largely Unobserved Structures under Varying Environmental Conditions: An AutoRegressive Spectrum and Multi-Level Machine Learning Methodology},
journal = {Sensors},
year = {2022},
volume = {22},
number = {4},
month = {February},
issn = {1424-8220},
pages = {1400--1421},
numpages = {21},
keywords = {structural health monitoring; limited sensors; environmental variability; spectral estimation; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; factor analysis},


%0 Journal Article
%T Damage Detection in Largely Unobserved Structures under Varying Environmental Conditions: An AutoRegressive Spectrum and Multi-Level Machine Learning Methodology
%A Entezami, Alireza
%A Stefano Mariani
%A Shariatmadar, Hashem
%J Sensors
%@ 1424-8220
%D 2022
