Agronomy, Volume (12), No (12), Year (2022-11) , Pages (3001-3018)

Title : ( Evaluation of Allelopathic Activity Interactions of Some Medicinal Plants Using Fractional Inhibitory Concentration and Isobologram )

Authors: Somaye Sadeghi Fard , Somayeh Mirmostafaee , Mohammad Reza Joharchi , Jaleh Zandavifard , Majid Azizi , Yoshiharu Fujii ,

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Allelopathy is a physiological process with an ecological concept and application. Allelopa- thy is the result of the production of biologically active molecules by growing plants or their remains, which may have a direct effect on the growth and development of individuals of the same species or other species after changing their shape and entering the environment. As regards, the use of natural compounds in the control of weeds and pests is a priority. In this research, the allelopathic activity of 123 specimens of medicinal and aromatic plants were investigated individually by the dish-pack method using lettuce seeds as a model. Then, the strongest inhibitory ones were selected and their allelopathic interaction effects were investigated for the first time by interacting them together. Two methods were used to evaluate allelopathic interaction effects: calculating Fractional Inhibitory Concentration (FIC) and drawing Isobologram diagrams. Lettuce hypocotyl length, root length, germination percentage, and germination rate were investigated. Pelargonium graveolens (leaf) had the greatest inhibitory effect on lettuce radicle growth (EC50 = 5.31 mg/well) and Echinophora platyloba (stem) had the greatest effect on hypocotyl growth inhibition (EC50 = 7.91 mg/well). Also, the lowest lettuce germination percentages were observed in the treatments Lavandula officinalis (flower) and Nepeta binaloudensis (leaf), respectively (23.61, 22.85%). The highest inhibitory effect by considering lettuce germination rate was detected in Salvia ceratophylla (leaf), (12.86 seed/day) and the lowest belonged to Nepeta binaloudensis (leaf) and Lavandula officinalis (flower), respectively (3.60, 3.32 seed/day). According to FIC calculations and isobolograms, two types of interaction, including synergist (Nepeta binaloudensis (leaf) with Trachyspermum ammi (fruit) and Nepeta binaloudensis (leaf) with Lavandula officinalis (flower) and antagonist (Pelargonium graveolens (leaf) with Lavandula officinalis (flower)), were observed significantly among the plants tested in this research. These interactions can be used to prepare more effective natural herbicides and decrease the use of herbicides.


, allelopathy; lettuce growth; EC50; volatile compounds; organic culture; synergist; antagonist;bio, herbicide
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Sadeghi Fard, Somaye and Mirmostafaee, Somayeh and Joharchi, Mohammad Reza and Zandavifard, Jaleh and Azizi, Majid and Yoshiharu Fujii},
title = {Evaluation of Allelopathic Activity Interactions of Some Medicinal Plants Using Fractional Inhibitory Concentration and Isobologram},
journal = {Agronomy},
year = {2022},
volume = {12},
number = {12},
month = {November},
issn = {2073-4395},
pages = {3001--3018},
numpages = {17},
keywords = {allelopathy; lettuce growth; EC50; volatile compounds; organic culture; synergist; antagonist;bio-herbicide},


%0 Journal Article
%T Evaluation of Allelopathic Activity Interactions of Some Medicinal Plants Using Fractional Inhibitory Concentration and Isobologram
%A Sadeghi Fard, Somaye
%A Mirmostafaee, Somayeh
%A Joharchi, Mohammad Reza
%A Zandavifard, Jaleh
%A Azizi, Majid
%A Yoshiharu Fujii
%J Agronomy
%@ 2073-4395
%D 2022
