Journal of High Energy Physics, ( ISI ), Volume (2023), No (1), Year (2023-1)

Title : ( Holographic QFTs on AdSd, wormholes and holographic interfaces )

Authors: Ahmad Ghodsi Mahmoudzadeh , Jewel Ghosh , Elias Kiritsis , Francesco Nitti , Valentin Nourry ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


We consider three related topics: (a) Holographic quantum field theories on AdS spaces. (b) Holographic interfaces of flat space QFTs. (c) Wormholes connecting generically different QFTs. We investigate in a concrete example how the related classical solutions explore the space of QFTs and we construct the general solutions that interpolate between the same or different CFTs with arbitrary couplings. The solution space contains many exotic flow solutions that realize unusual asymptotics, as boundaries of different regions in the space of solutions. We find phenomena like “walking” flows and the generation of extra boundaries via flow fragmentation.


, Gauge-Gravity Correspondence, Renormalization Group
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ghodsi Mahmoudzadeh, Ahmad and جول گوش and الیاس کریتسیس and فرانچسکو نیتی and والنتیان نوری},
title = {Holographic QFTs on AdSd, wormholes and holographic interfaces},
journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
year = {2023},
volume = {2023},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {1029-8479},
keywords = {Gauge-Gravity Correspondence; Renormalization Group},


%0 Journal Article
%T Holographic QFTs on AdSd, wormholes and holographic interfaces
%A Ghodsi Mahmoudzadeh, Ahmad
%A جول گوش
%A الیاس کریتسیس
%A فرانچسکو نیتی
%A والنتیان نوری
%J Journal of High Energy Physics
%@ 1029-8479
%D 2023
