Communications in Theoretical Physics, Volume (75), No (7), Year (2023-7) , Pages (75501-75509)

Title : ( The performance of a dissipative electro-optomechanical system using the Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian approach )

Authors: M M Atabaki , M K Tavassoly , A Behjat , M Hassani Nadiki , Kurosh Javidan ,

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By combining all optical, electronic, and mechanical capabilities, electro-optomechanical systems, along with the use of mechanical displacement, the conversion of low-frequency electrical signals into much higher-frequency optical signals is possible. This process provides several capabilities that have very important applications in various fields, including classical, as well as quantum communications. In this regard, the inevitable effect of dissipation on the performance indicators of such systems is one of the important issues affecting its efficiency. One approach for investigating the effect of dissipation is based on a time-dependent Hamiltonian has been known as the Caldirola-Kanai (CK) Hamiltonian, wherein the exponentially increasing mass, i.e. m(t) = m_0 Exp(\\\\\\\\gamma t) enters the mechanical oscillator system. Utilizing this approach shows that, the performance of the system under the influence of dissipation with CK Hamiltonian formalism, in which the dissipation terms are embedded in the Hamiltonian, are more logical, analytical, and reliable than considering the effect of dissipation with the phenomenological method (including the dissipation effects in the equations of motion by hand), which has been recently used in Bagci et al. (Nature, 507, 81, 2014). In our method, it is also possible to monitor the performance of the system via the adjustment of dissipation components, i.e., resistance R and reactance L (and CK damping parameter g) in the electrical (mechanical membrane) part of the system.


, dissipative system, electro-optomechanical system, Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {M M Atabaki and M K Tavassoly and A Behjat and M Hassani Nadiki and Javidan, Kurosh},
title = {The performance of a dissipative electro-optomechanical system using the Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian approach},
journal = {Communications in Theoretical Physics},
year = {2023},
volume = {75},
number = {7},
month = {July},
issn = {0253-6102},
pages = {75501--75509},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {dissipative system; electro-optomechanical system; Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian},


%0 Journal Article
%T The performance of a dissipative electro-optomechanical system using the Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian approach
%A M M Atabaki
%A M K Tavassoly
%A A Behjat
%A M Hassani Nadiki
%A Javidan, Kurosh
%J Communications in Theoretical Physics
%@ 0253-6102
%D 2023
