Quality and Quantity, Volume (58), No (3), Year (2023-9) , Pages (2183-2211)

Title : ( Process capability analysis for simple linear profiles )

Authors: Aylin Pakzad , Saeed Adibfar , Hamideh Razavi , Rassoul Noorossana ,

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When a process is under statistical control, one is usually interested in evaluating process performance based on specification limits (SLs) provided by customer. This evaluation is referred to as process capability analysis. This study provides a new method to meas- ure process capability index (PCI) for a simple linear profile based on its parameters. In this regard, the SLs for the proposed PCIs (SLs for the profile parameters) are presented based on SLs of the response variable while considering the in-control profiles. Simulation results reveal satisfactory performance for the proposed method considering absolute per- centage error criterion. In addition, the minimum number of profile samples for estimation of the proposed PCIs are determined. A real case in calibration application is also consid- ered to show the applicability of the proposed method in practice.


, Simple linear profile · Process capability analysis · Loss, based capability index · Statistical process control · Phase I and phase II analysis
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Aylin Pakzad and Saeed Adibfar and Razavi, Hamideh and Rassoul Noorossana},
title = {Process capability analysis for simple linear profiles},
journal = {Quality and Quantity},
year = {2023},
volume = {58},
number = {3},
month = {September},
issn = {0033-5177},
pages = {2183--2211},
numpages = {28},
keywords = {Simple linear profile · Process capability analysis · Loss-based capability index · Statistical process control · Phase I and phase II analysis},


%0 Journal Article
%T Process capability analysis for simple linear profiles
%A Aylin Pakzad
%A Saeed Adibfar
%A Razavi, Hamideh
%A Rassoul Noorossana
%J Quality and Quantity
%@ 0033-5177
%D 2023
