Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, ( ISI ), Volume (41), No (1), Year (2023-5)

Title : ( Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource Availability )

Authors: hossein moghaddaszadeh , Mohammad Ranjbar , Negin Jamili ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this paper, we study the well-known resource availability cost problem with stochastic resource availability. The objective is to determine the initial levels of all renewable resources and establish a schedule corresponding to each scenario such that the expected resource availability cost is minimized. We assume that resource shortfalls can be compensated externally but at a noticeable higher cost. We formulate the problem as a two-stage stochastic programming model (TSSPM). We also develop an exact decomposition-based algorithm (DBA) for the particular case of the problem with at most two resources, which also functions as a heuristic for the original problem. Since the number of scenarios influences the performance of the developed solution approaches, we utilize a fast scenario reduction method to reduce the number of scenarios. Computational results indicate that the DBA outperforms the TSSPM formulation in solution quality and CPU runtime.


, Project scheduling; resource availability cost problem; two, stage stochastic programming
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author = {Moghaddaszadeh, Hossein and Ranjbar, Mohammad and نگین جمیلی},
title = {Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource Availability},
journal = {Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research},
year = {2023},
volume = {41},
number = {1},
month = {May},
issn = {0217-5959},
keywords = {Project scheduling; resource availability cost problem; two-stage stochastic programming},


%0 Journal Article
%T Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource Availability
%A Moghaddaszadeh, Hossein
%A Ranjbar, Mohammad
%A نگین جمیلی
%J Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
%@ 0217-5959
%D 2023
