Microchemical Journal, ( ISI ), Volume (199), No (199), Year (2024-4) , Pages (110215-110222)

Title : ( A simple Label-Free aptasensor for acrylamide monitoring using a Four-Way arm junction structure of DNA strands )

Authors: Fatemeh Mohammadi , Zahra Khoshbin , Mohammad Ramezani , Mona Alibolandi , Khalil Abnous , Seyed Mohammad Taghdisi , Marzieh Moeenfard ,

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Herein, a sensitive and simple tag-free aptasensor was employed for acrylamide determination via the fluorescent dye SYBR Green I (SGI) with the role of signal indicator. The foundation of this platform was built upon the establishment of a four-way junction structure, which resulted from the hybridization between terminus regions of aptamer and complementary (CP) strands. The preferential interaction of the aptamer sequence with acrylamide led to the disintegration of the four-way junction structure into the single strands, and consequently, a significant decrease in the output fluorescence signal. Under the optimal conditions, the proposed aptasensor was shown to detect acrylamide, with a low detection limit (LOD) of 0.28 μmol L-1 in the linear dynamic range of 1 to 60 μmol L-1 with high selectivity. The aptasensor possesses remarkable proficiency in detecting acrylamide levels within coffee samples, rendering it as a highly effective tool for ensuring the safety and quality control of food products.


Aptamer; Acrylamide; Biosensor; Fluorescence; Food safety; SYBR Green I
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {فاطمه محمدی and زهرا خوش بین and محمد رمضانی and مونا علی بلندی and خلیل آبنوس and سید محمد تقدیسی حیدریان and Moeenfard, Marzieh},
title = {A simple Label-Free aptasensor for acrylamide monitoring using a Four-Way arm junction structure of DNA strands},
journal = {Microchemical Journal},
year = {2024},
volume = {199},
number = {199},
month = {April},
issn = {0026-265X},
pages = {110215--110222},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Aptamer; Acrylamide; Biosensor; Fluorescence; Food safety; SYBR Green I},


%0 Journal Article
%T A simple Label-Free aptasensor for acrylamide monitoring using a Four-Way arm junction structure of DNA strands
%A فاطمه محمدی
%A زهرا خوش بین
%A محمد رمضانی
%A مونا علی بلندی
%A خلیل آبنوس
%A سید محمد تقدیسی حیدریان
%A Moeenfard, Marzieh
%J Microchemical Journal
%@ 0026-265X
%D 2024
