ششمین سمینار ملی کنترل و بهینه سازی , 2024-01-03

Title : ( An RBF Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems with Time-Varying Delays )

Authors: Sohrab Effati ,

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Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


This paper presents a new numerical approach based on radial basis functions (RBFs) to solving optimal control problems with time-varying delays (OCPTVDs). We first approximate the state and control variables with a set of global RBFs. Then, by using collocation points, the OCPTVD is converted to the nonlinear programming problem. Finally, optimal solutions to the main problem are obtained by solving the nonlinear programming problem. Keywords: Optimal control problems, Time delay systems, Time-varying delay, RBF method, Nonlinear programming.


, RBF method, optimal control
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Effati, Sohrab},
title = {An RBF Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems with Time-Varying Delays},
booktitle = {ششمین سمینار ملی کنترل و بهینه سازی},
year = {2024},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {RBF method; optimal control},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T An RBF Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems with Time-Varying Delays
%A Effati, Sohrab
%J ششمین سمینار ملی کنترل و بهینه سازی
%D 2024
