Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, Year (2024-3)

Title : ( The histopathological assessment of wound healing after using adipose-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells with Tragacanth gum hydrogel and human amniotic membrane as dressing )

Authors: jeyran rahvarian , Hojjat Naderi Meshkin , Hossein Nourani , Hossein Nourani , Shiva Amanollahi , Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi ,

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Wound healing and finding a solution for its fast healing is one of the major issues of today’s world. This study aims to scrutinize the effect of using Tragacanth gum hydrogel as a three-dimensional scaffold of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) along with a wound dressing of human amniotic membrane in the healing of full-thickness skin wounds in rats. In this study, 54 Albino female rats (150 g) were divided into control, hydrogel, and hydrogel+stem cell groups. Under general anesthesia, two bilateral full-thickness wounds were created on the dorsal area by a 9.8-millimeter biopsy punch. Rats were euthanized on days 3, 10, and 21 for histopathology and cell tracking with PCR evaluation of tissue samples. The histopathological results showed that no significant difference was seen on days 3 and 21, and there were significant differences only on day 10. In terms of epithelialization between treatment groups with the control group and in terms of granulation tissue formation between the hydrogel+MSCs group with the control group, they were statistically significant. Cell tracking results with PCR on days 3, 10, and 21 in the hydrogel+MSCs group showed that MSCs were found only on day 3. The results of the present study show that, in general, the use of stem cells together with the Tragacanth gum hydrogel as a scaffold and the use of human amniotic membrane as a dressing can cause early healing of full-thickness wounds


, Amniotic membrane, MSCs, Rats, Scaffold, Wound healing
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Rahvarian, Jeyran and حجت نادری مشکین and Nourani, Hossein and Nourani, Hossein and Amanollahi, Shiva and Kazemi Mehrjerdi, Hossein},
title = {The histopathological assessment of wound healing after using adipose-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells with Tragacanth gum hydrogel and human amniotic membrane as dressing},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology},
year = {2024},
month = {March},
issn = {2008-465X},
keywords = {Amniotic membrane; MSCs; Rats; Scaffold; Wound healing},


%0 Journal Article
%T The histopathological assessment of wound healing after using adipose-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells with Tragacanth gum hydrogel and human amniotic membrane as dressing
%A Rahvarian, Jeyran
%A حجت نادری مشکین
%A Nourani, Hossein
%A Nourani, Hossein
%A Amanollahi, Shiva
%A Kazemi Mehrjerdi, Hossein
%J Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology
%@ 2008-465X
%D 2024
