Physics Letters B, ( ISI ), Volume (851), Year (2024-4) , Pages (138575-138583)

Title : ( More on β-symmetry )

Authors: Mohammad Reza Garousi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Recent work has proposed a method for imposing T-duality on the metric, $B$-field, and dilaton of the classical effective action of string theory without using Kaluza-Klein reduction. Specifically, the $D$-dimensional effective action should be invariant under global $O(D,D)$ transformations, provided that the partial derivatives along the $\\\\\\\\beta$-parameters of the non-geometrical elements of the $O(D,D)$ group become zero. In this paper, we speculate that the global $\\\\\\\\beta$-symmetry can be utilized to identify both bulk and boundary couplings. We demonstrate that the Gibbons-Hawking term at the leading order of $\\\\\\\\alpha\\\\\\\'$ is reproduced by this symmetry. Additionally, for closed spacetime manifolds at order $\\\\\\\\alpha\\\\\\\'$, we show that the 20 independent geometrical couplings at this order are fixed by this symmetry up to field redefinitions. Specifically, we show that the invariance of the most general covariant and gauge invariant bulk action at order $\\\\\\\\alpha\\\\\\\'$ under the most general covariant deformed $\\\\\\\\beta$-transformation at order $\\\\\\\\alpha\\\\\\\'$ fixes the action up to 13 parameters. These parameters reflect the field redefinitions freedom for the closed spacetime manifolds. For particular values of these parameters, we recover the effective action in the Metsaev-Tseytlin and in the Meissner schemes.


, T-duality, beta-symmetry
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author = {Garousi, Mohammad Reza},
title = {More on β-symmetry},
journal = {Physics Letters B},
year = {2024},
volume = {851},
month = {April},
issn = {0370-2693},
pages = {138575--138583},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {T-duality; beta-symmetry},


%0 Journal Article
%T More on β-symmetry
%A Garousi, Mohammad Reza
%J Physics Letters B
%@ 0370-2693
%D 2024
